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Tax PlanningCPA Services

What Happens When I Withdraw From 529 Plan?

A Section 529 plan is a savings plan set up for higher education. It is usually set up for the account beneficiary who will be going to pursue higher education, usually your child or grandchild. If you have a Section 529 college savings plan, you know that there are a...

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Must Joint Activities be Treated as Partnerships?

Filing taxes is confusing; that's simply a fact of life. Filing gets even more confusing when you have to account for your joint activity, and you aren't sure if you have to file jointly with your partner or if you can both do separate returns. Filing separate returns...

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Start Planning Now For 2015 Taxes

It is fall again, and that means the leaves are changing colors. It is time to bring on the apple picking and pumpkin pie, and while you may not be thinking about it now, this is also the perfect to start planning for your 2015 income tax filing. Get a head start by...

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Personal Tax Breaks Often Overlooked

You are sitting at your home office or your kitchen table. You’re sweating bullets and you’re dreading the next several hours. That’s because you’re about to file your taxes. The process is daunting and can sometimes just be downright cruel and unusual punishment. Any...

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3 Rules for Startup Deductions

While start-up mania has been in full swing for a while now, and new companies from Silicon Valley to Washington D.C. have been heralded as the saving grace of a growing U.S. economy, the American Tax Code has been sluggish in keeping up with start-up business...

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2015 Tax Season: Start Planning Now

Though the 2015 tax season is not upon us quite yet, now is the time to take steps towards planning for next year. If you are a business owner, it is never too soon to schedule a meeting with a local Certified Public Accountant to review your finances as they stand in...

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5 Items a CPA Firm Can Do For Your Business

Businesses - whether they are nonprofit, public, or private - have plenty to take care of. There are the day-to-day duties of interacting with customers, as well as making the important decisions that drive the company’s mission and determine policies. Ultimately,...

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Rules on Deduction Business Start-Up Expenses

A new decision by the U.S. Tax Court drove home the importance that current deductions are not allowed for most new businesses start-up expenses. The appropriate tax treatment for start-up costs has been a continuous confusion for taxpayers, leading business owners to...

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