707-584-1040 info@mayclincpa.com

5 Items a CPA Firm Can Do For Your Business

Businesses – whether they are nonprofit, public, or private – have plenty to take care of. There are the day-to-day duties of interacting with customers, as well as making the important decisions that drive the company’s mission and determine policies....

Why Use A CPA For Your 2015 Tax Return

It is tax season, money is tight, and you are not looking to find out whether or not your income is recession proof or not. So what is the best way to get your taxes done without breaking the bank? Is it more financially beneficial to use a tax preparation service or...

Personal Taxes: 3 Items Your Account Needs From You

There are many benefits to filing your taxes through a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), compared to completing your tax filings on your own or through an automated system. In addition to the huge amounts of time an accountant will save you, working with a CPA helps...

Sole Prop, LLC or S-Corp – How To Choose

Hi. I’m Tim Mayclin, CPA from Rohnert Park, California. Today we’re going to talk about incorporating, what the difference is between a sole proprietorship or an LLC versus an S-corporation. I get the question a lot of whether the company should be an LLC...

When Do 1099’s Have To Be Filed In 2014?

Hi. I’m Tim Mayclin, CPA from Rohnert Park, California. Today we’re going to talk about 1099’s. If you’re a small business you have to file 1099’s by January 31, 2014. Anybody that you paid for services over $600 in the calendar year of...